Monday, 20 February 2017

Sunny Days again

Can you feel it? For those of us that are living in the North Hemisphere, the sun is starting to make a come back.  I've been noticing it more and more that there's a little bit more sunshine each day as I make it home from work. (Granted, as we got closer to the winter Solstice, it just seemed to be dark all the time). 

We are only a month away from the Spring Equinox and I have already noticed my moods are improving, I'm more alert and I'm more reluctant to just pull the covers over my head as I press the snooze button for the millionth time.

Could it be the vitamin D or just the expectation of summer?  Well, living in Northern Ireland, I look forward to get my first earlies (potatoes) into the ground on St. Patrick's day, the bulbs in the garden springing to life - snowdrops and crocuses are already out, daffodil and tulips are on their way and the sounds of birds are lively from the early hours. (The robins start their chorus from as early as 5:30 a.m.!)

Spring is a season of new hopes, new beginnings and of course, love! We all know the feeling of 'Spring Fever.' Surprisingly enough beginning shortly after  St. Valentine's Day.

Love you all!

Peace Out!

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Start of a new week

Sunday afternoon can be a little depressing.  As the day turns to evening and then night quickly follows, we are reminded that yet another week has completely ended and the new week has begun. Really though, it is the knowledge that our weekend is almost over and the new work week/school week is starting - five more days till the next week end.

Obviously, this is just an exaggeration though.  There are people who really love their jobs and people who enjoy the hustle and bustle of a school week (if you didn't see your friends on the weekend, you knew you'd see them in class!).

But as you get you get older, (yes, I am older!) you realize that it is essentially the speed in which the weekend sped by that frightens you. You never seem to accomplish everything you want to on the weekend.  I was going to write in this blog on Friday night and Saturday, yet time races by and before I know it, I'm in bed wondering were the time has gone.  I was going to paint and I was going to do some DIY my partner wanted done - she is kind that way, always making sure I don't become idle.

Most of it didn't get done yet, although I am being asked to go outside and get some work done on the house.  I also need to get my seed trays ready for the cold frame.  But I'm comfy at the moment writing this on my laptop in my easy chair, watching the birds at the feeders. (The birds had me up early to fill the feeders, so I can't even blame it on sleeping in)

I'm content though, as next weekend it will be the same and life seems to be like the Barenaked Ladies song 'Life, In a Nutshell' when the chorus states:

Her life in a nutshell
No way would she want it to change me
It's not that easy 'cause
My time is often decided for me
For me

It may be true you know, but I think Ferris Bueller said it best: 'Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.'

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Here's Smiling At You!

I know yesterday was Valentine's Day, so I'm thinking maybe I should talk about love.  It seems so easy to love and hate should be foreign but, there just seems to be so much hate in the news lately.  I wanted to think that this hatred was just a product of the media and not the general opinion of the public.  People are generally full of love, aren’t they? Not full of hatred or fear at the very least.

Now, I know this doesn't seem scientific but I tried a little experiment over the course of a few days - I tried to just smile at people as I walked past them in the street.  Easy enough right and the theory is that people will just smile back and go about their day.  Now maybe it is just me, a crazy looking middle aged, grey haired guy smiling might be just to weird for people.  Out of 100 + people, maybe 2 people smiled back and one person said good morning.  Smiles are supposed to be contagious, right? 

I'm not asking people to love me, they don't even know me. but does this stem for the fear and hatred that we are inundated with on a daily basis on the new and other media?  I thought it would have been about 50/50 not just 2%.

Just to be clear, I'm willing to love you all!


Monday, 13 February 2017

Time to wake up

It has been far too long since my last blog and so much has happened in the world.  Brexit has proven that we are more likely to believe the sensational before believing the truth and across the water, Trump has proven that as long as you talk down to people, they will believe anything. 

We were lead to believe that we would be putting huge saving, we would be getting from leaving the E.U. and putting it all right into the health service. We were lead to believe that we (apparently, the people of Britain) would be able to govern ourselves and we would be able to stop immigrants and migrants. Oh, weren't we lucky that Forage put us all straight? Maybe that's why Forage resigned his post in UKIP and ran to the States.

The insanity was, the money will not be going to the health service, it will be going pay for programs that the E.U. will no longer be funding. We (the people of Britain) will not be governing ourselves because the ruling elite will still be doing that and the truth is, they really don't care about you. Finally, the immigrants and migrants are an integral part of our economy, so we won't be stopping that as well.

Face it, we were lied to and the worst part of it is we believed it hook, line and sinker! We did non of our own research, we didn't question their motives (which mostly involved 'Them'). It's a hard hitting truth, but we need to wake the fuck up!

Deep Within My Mind

I live deep within this mind,
Trapped in here,
I see, hear and feel,
What my body feels,
But can I control my actions?
Inside, I hear thoughts,
Can they possibly be mine?
The owner of this body,
Belittles me at every turn,
Expects me too believe,
That I cause its failures,
Yet not at all responsible,
For its successes.
Battered, inside my prison,
Looking at the world,
That can’t see me.